Hi guys,
This will be the official development blog as of now of Team NumberCrunch.
The team comprises of me, Monkeydlu, and my partner, RedWrath5.
We are currently working on a project for the iphone named "Souls of the Lost", it is a strategy rpg rogue like dungeon crawler. More information will be posted soon as more progress is made :)
At any rate, welcome to Team NumberCrunch's dev blog.
I will be handling all things code and design related, and Redwrath5 will be handling all things gameplay content and balance related. We need a artist and musician, but I guess I'm an artist, and RedWrath5 is also a musician... though we're definitely not pros, so if anyone's interested in helping us with either, feel free to send us a email, as soon as we have an official team email set up hahaha. (keeping this professional)