Hi guys, I've started coding the battle system yesterday, and after playing around with a few mock ups, I think I've finally come to a battle system design that I really like. Heres the mock up :D
So, in this game, your characters never "level up", rather, they progress through the continuous fusing of "Colored Souls" to a particular character. There are 5 colors for the souls, RED, GREEN, YELLOW, BLUE, and PURPLE. These souls will be collected from every enemy, and also as treasure. They can also be offered at alters in order to heal your party, so you need to balance between using the souls to strengthen your characters, and using the souls to keep your party healthy.
All classes start off with a specific spectrum for their colors, valuing 5-1 for each color.
Each of these colors then, also represents a statistic of that character. Red is Strength. Green is Vitality. Yellow is Agility. Blue is Wisdom. Purple is Dexterity.
The calculations for this game will be somewhat of a hybrid between the formulas of Fire Emblem, and Etrian Odyssey 3, so go look them up if you're interested :)
ANYWAYS, about this mock up.
The battle system will be, as you can see, a tactical battle system.
It will use input very similar to that of Final Fantasy IV, or a more recent example, FTL.
Basically, all of your characters will have a "charge" bar, standardized to 5 seconds. Each character has a modifier attribute, that will range from 60% to 140% of that 5 seconds. When the character is charged, you can tap that character to pause the game, and input commands for that character.
You do not have to tap a character immediately when he/she is finished charging, and in fact, thats the main reason I went with this system, but there are a lot of different strategies which would require the delaying of commands in order to make sure things happen in certain orders.
Anyways, more info will be revealed later on, but as for why there are colors on the hex grids!
The colors of course represent the 5 color system the game uses. When a character, or enemy, is standing on top of a hex, the stat of that color is going to be increased by a percentage for that character.
As to what the percentage will be. The outer ring will get a 20% increase, so a STR of 10 will become 12 on a red tile. The inner ring will get a 40% increase. And finally the middle tile alone will get a 60% increase!
This is pretty important, because this means gaining the middle ground can lead to huge rewards, but also put that character in the most danger. This also gives worth to characters who specialize in not combat but the manipulation of grid colors.
Anyways, that is all! Hope you enjoyed the update :)
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